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Contact us today to start your journey to a new life in Australia. We look forward to assisting you in making your dream of living and working in Australia a reality.

Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

This website is the property of Apical Immigration Experts Pvt. Ltd., managing the brand Migrate to Australia. Below are the comprehensive terms and conditions that you must adhere to when dealing with us, our website, or any third-party service provider associated with us.

Accuracy of Information

All details provided in writing, as requested by the company and the visa office processing the application, must be truthful. The company is not responsible for any incorrect or distorted information provided by the client and any consequences thereof.

Notification of Changes

Clients must immediately inform the company of any changes in their address, education, status, skills, training, job specifications, marital status, or any other detail that might impact their permanent residence opportunity.

Updates to Immigration Laws

We provide authentic and up-to-date details regarding immigration law, but we cannot predict future changes in the law.

Prompt Response Required

It is imperative that the client responds swiftly to our requests for any details or documents.

Client’s Responsibility for Delays

The company is not responsible for any delays caused by the client's negligence in providing the required information.

Language Proficiency

Clients need to be proficient in either English or French, as specified for the specific bands of IELTS or TEF tests.

Acknowledgment of Test Requirements

Clients must acknowledge and accept any changes made by the ministry of the country applied for regarding IELTS or any other required test during the visa application process.

Responsibility for Test Results

Clients are fully responsible for the results of their IELTS bands. The exam and its outcome are solely the responsibility of the client.

Payment of Fees

The company will not proceed with the application to the next stage until the payment or fees due are made in full.

Application Number Sharing

We will not share the application number until the results are received. However, upon request, we can provide a screenshot of the application every fifteen days.

Payment for Positive Skill Assessment

Clients must pay the installment amount due for Positive Skill Assessment within 10 days of receiving the positive assessment result. Failure to do so will result in the process being closed from our side. To reopen a closed case, clients will be liable to pay a fee of Rs. 15,000 plus applicable taxes.

Final Decision on Applications

We have no control over the final decision regarding the application after submission to the relevant department. We are not liable for any application being revoked.

Changes in Immigration Law

Once the application is submitted, any changes to immigration law that affect the outcome, along with any losses incurred, will not be the company's responsibility.

Client’s Adherence to Advice

We are committed to providing sound and beneficial advice regarding the application. If the client chooses to disregard our advice, they must provide written acknowledgment of the same.

Exclusive Communication

Clients must agree that once they have approached Migrate to Australia, all further communication with the relevant authorities will be conducted by the company. Clients or their representatives must not contact any authorities that Migrate to Australia is dealing with.

Authentic Documentation

All documentation and information provided to Migrate to Australia by the client must be truthful and authentic. Clients agree to compensate Migrate to Australia for all losses incurred due to any false information provided. This includes legal costs incurred in civil or criminal lawsuits due to the client's wrongful information.

Provision of Information

Clients must promptly provide all required details and documents related to their personal, educational, and work experience information that may be necessary for successfully processing the visa.

Delay in Visa Process

The company is not liable for any delays in the visa process by the Australian Government. However, we guarantee the preparation, processing, and management of the application from our end as promptly and diligently as possible.

Information Accuracy

The information provided on our website is subject to change. We are not responsible for any damage due to this. Use the information on our website as general advice. Contacting us personally is necessary to establish a consultant-client relationship.


Our website uses cookies to personalize your experience. Disabling cookies may still result in storing information provided by you in our forms. This information is shared with our partners to send relevant offers about products and services. You can contact us anytime to stop sharing your data with third parties.

Intellectual Property

Users and visitors are not allowed to copy our website’s content without proper reference. If you copy our content, you must provide necessary references, including our website’s link for online articles. Copying the source code is considered plagiarism. Commercial use of our content without permission is a punishable offense.

Content Updates

We regularly update our website content. It is your responsibility to stay updated by visiting regularly, even if we do not inform you personally about changes.

Authentic Data Submission

You must provide authentic and genuine data in our forms. This includes signing up on our website with relevant information.

Prohibited Content

Posting abusive, inappropriate, or hate speech content is not allowed. Racist or casteist remarks will lead to account suspension and possible criminal charges.

Third-Party Services

We are not responsible for any damage due to information received from third-party service providers. Deal with third parties directly without involving us in any disputes regarding their products and services.

Contact Us

For any questions or concerns regarding our terms and conditions, please contact us at:
